Material Selection
When custom ordering the gifts, you can choose from the variety of woods and materials below. You can mix and match any of the items on our product page with any of the materials listed here. Many of these woods are available for wine stoppers, picture frames, and desk sets as well!
Blood Wood
Blood Wood heartwood varies from gray-red to a deep rich red and ages to a deep brown color. The wood is lustrous and sometimes has variegated yellow and red stripes.
The heartwood is dull golden brown in color with variegated irregular markings and an attractive ray flecked figure.
Bubinga is medium red-brown with lighter red to purple veining.
Cherry heartwood, native to North America, varies from rich red to reddish-brown.
Cocobolo heartwood varies in color from rich red to an attractive variegated appearance of yellow, orange, and red streaks and zones, which mature upon exposure to a mellow orange red.
Jatoba heartwood is salmon red to orange-brown marked with dark brown streaks. It has a golden luster.
Leopard Wood
Leopard Wood has a flaky, speckled figure with dark flecks, varying from a small lace-like pattern to a larger ''splashy'' figure.
Mahogany heartwood ranges from light to deep reddish-brown in color.
Maple is creamy white with a reddish tinge and usually has a straight grain, sometimes with a curly, wavy, spalted, or birds eye appearance. Fine brown growth rings give an attractive figure.
Red Oak
Red Oak heartwood is similar to other oaks and coloration runs from a light tan to pink with a reddish tinge.
Padauk heartwood is vivid blood red, toning down to a dark brown with red streaks upon exposure.
Purple Heart
Purple Heart heartwood is a deep purple-violet when freshly cut, maturing to a dark brown.
East Indian Rose Wood
East Indian Rose Wood ranges from cream colored, flame type, swirls on through to goldish-orange highlights on top of a medium brown background with black striping.
Black Walnut heartwood is rich dark brown to purplish-black and is usually straight grained. Wavy or curly grain is sometimes present.
Wenge's clearly defined heartwood is dark brown, with very close, fine, almost black veins. The closely spaced whitish bands of parenchyma give wenge a very attractive appearance.
Zebra Wood
Zebra Wood heartwood is a golden-yellow with narrow veining or streaks of dark brown to black which gives quartered surfaces a zebra-stripe appearance.